Three Month Old Twins Session

Wiggly arms and legs, sweet smiles, and tiny baby fist bumps – this session was full of all of the things I love about three-month-olds. As a family photographer this is one of my favorite ages to photograph. By three months babies really start to show you who they are as little people, and parents are far enough out of the fog of having a newborn (or newborns!) to marvel at the little being(s) they have created and imagine who they might become. It is so important to me to capture this interaction between the parents and babies – very real moments that in a single frame encapsulate all of the love and hope a parent has for their child.

Full disclosure friends – this shoot was especially meaningful because Xavier’s and Bruce’s mom, Emily, is my cousin. We grew up in the same town, went to the same school, and are only six months apart in age. It is incredible to now be able share with Em all of the feelings and emotions that only parenthood brings. I’m thrilled to watch this family grow as Em teams up with her incredible husband Joe to parent these precious little ones.

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Carrie Nichols is a family lifestyle photographer in New York City. Interested in booking a session? Contact us here.

Xavier and Bruce | New York City Baby Photographer