Harvest Festival

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Maddie Fort Tryon

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Angela Dixon Fort Tryon

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Harvest Festival | New York City Event Photographer

Our neighborhood, Washington Heights, is tucked up on the northern tip of Manhattan and most of the time feels like a small town in this big city. One of my favorite annual events is the neighborhood’s Harvest Festival. Held every fall in Fort Tryon Park, this is a completely free event run by volunteers and sponsored by neighborhood businesses. This year I was asked to document the event, and I am so pleased to share some of the photos below.

This is the time of year to take stock of the good things. I am grateful for this neighborhood, for dear friends, and for loving family. Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

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Carrie Nichols is a lifestyle family photographer in New York City. Interested in booking a session? Contact her here.

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Curls Everywhere

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Little Red Lighthouse | NYC Family Session

I met this family of three (soon to be four!) to capture a photo for their annual New Year’s card. I was thrilled when they suggested a shoot at the Little Red Lighthouse as it is one of my favorite locations for family sessions. It did not disappoint. We met in the evening, and as the sun was lowering itself over the horizon we played, laughed and climbed on rocks. It was so hard not to share every image from this session because all of them are so full of light, laughs and love. Here are some of my favorites of this beautiful family of three.


Carrie Nichols is a lifestyle family photographer in New York City. Interested in booking a session? Contact her here.

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Kingsbridge and Inwood Hill Park | NYC Family Session

This session was magic.  In their pre-shoot questionnaire, the mom described the kids as, “curious, creative, determined, sweet and juicy.” She was so right.

I met them at their home in Kingsbridge where the kids introduced me to their pet bearded dragons (so cool!). Led by the adventure-seeking 2 and 5 year old, we headed to Inwood Hill Park to run around and explore. There was never a dull moment in this fun session. This family is full of energy and bursting with love, and I am so grateful to have captured a few precious moments.

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Carrie Nichols is a lifestyle family photographer in New York City. Interested in booking a session? Contact us here.

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Capturing Your Vacation

How to Take Pictures of Your Vacation… and Enjoy It Too

carrienicholsphotography_ blog_vacation_6767 carrienicholsphotography_ blog_vacation_6384carrienicholsphotography_ blog_vacation_6941A few days ago, I found myself flipping the calendar to August in disbelief. How is it August already?! Summer has flown by, and though the stores are full of back-to-school supplies, summer is not over yet. Many of us like to plan an end of summer vacation. If you have an August trip planned, be it to grandmas house or a week at the beach, you’ll want photos to remember it. Here are some tips to capture your vacation.

Capture the Big Moments

carrienicholsphotography_ blog_vacation_6497On every vacation, you have moments that you know you want to pull out a camera or phone and capture – the sunset over the bay, sandy toes, an afternoon at the playground. There will be plenty. Whether you’re looking out over the bluffs at that big, beautiful ocean, taking an electric boat out on the water and letting your kid take the wheel, or snuggling on Great-Grandma’s lap for an afternoon story, you might end up with a lot of these big moment photos. Rightly so. This is the stuff that vacations are made of.

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Capture the Little Things

carrienicholsphotography_ blog_vacation_6477Did you often play with shapes on the floor in your downtime? Did you end every day with your husband singing an adorable tooth brushing song? Did your kid ask to push the button that turns on the car every time you piled in to go somewhere? Take a picture of it. Don’t forget to capture these little things in addition to the bigger moments, because sometimes it is the little moments that are the most cherished.

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Get in the Frame

carrienicholsphotography_ blog_vacation_6528Here’s one I’m working on myself. It’s easy to be the one taking all the photos and end up with an album full of pictures that look like your family took an awesome vacation (without you). Hand over your camera to another grown up (or even set up an auto-timer), and get in the frame. No matter that your legs are cut off or that the framing isn’t perfect – you were there, and you deserve the evidence.

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Set Down the Camera

Sometimes you just need to put away the camera or phone and experience the moment your family is having together. Squish the sand between your toes, feel the breeze on your face, and hear your child giggling as he swings around with Grandpa. Dig in, build a sandcastle, and be present. As much as we want to capture images to remember our vacation, we also want to have the memories of being in the moment. Find a good balance of both.


There will be plenty of time to capture moments like these.

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BONUS TIP – Print Your Photos!

We are in an age where images are shared online in abundance. Don’t forget to bring these photos into your home as well. Order prints to put in an album or a photo book that will tell the story. Sitting down with your kids to share stories and memories of your vacation has no match. Choose a quality printer – try MPix for prints, Pinhole Press for books, or contact me if you want to talk it all through. Check out this article for tips on shooting for and creating a photo book.


Carrie Nichols is a lifestyle family photographer in New York City. Interested in booking a session? Contact us here.

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White Family | New York City Family Photographer

A couple of years ago, a group of moms in the neighborhood organized a trip to see a puppet show in Central Park. Through this trip I met a mom and her (then) two kids who had just moved to New York from New Zealand and was getting to know the families of our neighborhood. Fast forward to 2016 and this lovely family has added one more little one and a huge network of friends. Following a great job opportunity a few states over, they are heading out of the city and on to charm a new neighborhood. To remember the time here, they asked to have a photo session on their rooftop to capture the gorgeous views of the George Washington Bridge. I was more than happy to oblige. Best wishes to the White Family for a safe move and many happy memories in your new town.

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Carrie Nichols is a lifestyle family photographer in New York City. Interested in booking a session? Contact us here.

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Xavier and Bruce | New York City Baby Photographer

Three Month Old Twins Session

Wiggly arms and legs, sweet smiles, and tiny baby fist bumps – this session was full of all of the things I love about three-month-olds. As a family photographer this is one of my favorite ages to photograph. By three months babies really start to show you who they are as little people, and parents are far enough out of the fog of having a newborn (or newborns!) to marvel at the little being(s) they have created and imagine who they might become. It is so important to me to capture this interaction between the parents and babies – very real moments that in a single frame encapsulate all of the love and hope a parent has for their child.

Full disclosure friends – this shoot was especially meaningful because Xavier’s and Bruce’s mom, Emily, is my cousin. We grew up in the same town, went to the same school, and are only six months apart in age. It is incredible to now be able share with Em all of the feelings and emotions that only parenthood brings. I’m thrilled to watch this family grow as Em teams up with her incredible husband Joe to parent these precious little ones.

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Carrie Nichols is a family lifestyle photographer in New York City. Interested in booking a session? Contact us here.

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