A couple of years ago, a group of moms in the neighborhood organized a trip to see a puppet show in Central Park. Through this trip I met a mom and her (then) two kids who had just moved to New York from New Zealand and was getting to know the families of our neighborhood. Fast forward to 2016 and this lovely family has added one more little one and a huge network of friends. Following a great job opportunity a few states over, they are heading out of the city and on to charm a new neighborhood. To remember the time here, they asked to have a photo session on their rooftop to capture the gorgeous views of the George Washington Bridge. I was more than happy to oblige. Best wishes to the White Family for a safe move and many happy memories in your new town.

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Carrie Nichols is a lifestyle family photographer in New York City. Interested in booking a session? Contact us here.

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White Family | New York City Family Photographer