Welcome to the start of the Carrie Nichols Photography Blog. I’m so glad you’ve joined me here. To kick things off, I’m featuring a five-part series celebrating the things I love about client sessions. See Part One of the series here.

Part Two – Baby Details

There is nothing like the newness of a baby. Though it can feel like each day with a newborn goes by so slowly, before you know it you are celebrating a first birthday. All of the details in the first year are so fleeting – a big yawn, tiny toes, and how small they start out.

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I love being able to capture the newness of a baby. It brings me joy to think that on a morning a few years from now after you’ve spent a few hours chasing a toddler around the playground, you can sit down, pull out this album and remember how small, how sweet, and how stationary your kid once was.

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Things I Love About Client Sessions Part Two – Baby Details | New York City Family Photographer